Monthly Archives: March, 2021

Sai Inspires (Short – Tamil) – 20/March/2021

A monarch who allows himself to be controlled by ministers does not deserve the throne; he is spurned and disgraced. His kingdom has no peace and security. The mind is the monarch in man; senses are ministers. If the mind is the slave of its senses, you will have no peace.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Divine Discourse, May 6, 1983

Sai Inspires (Short – Tamil) – 19/Mar/2021

The mind is like a mad monkey. Unless kept busy, it will go according to whims and fancies. The only way to keep a monkey busy is to make it go up and down a pole repeatedly! Let it observe what is going in and coming out. ‘So’ is inhaled and ‘Ham’ is exhaled. ‘So’ symbolises good (Divinity) and ‘Ham’ stands for that which is bad (ego). Then, the mind will understand that Divinity must be taken in and the ego must be given up!

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Divine Discourse, Sep 13, 1999

Sai Inspires (Short – Tamil) – 18/March/2021

Devotees today have some form of Divinity in their mind, but they perform rituals in a mechanical way without any consistency. All your charity and worship are of no significance to the Lord. Show your charity and wealth to the income tax department. God needs only your love.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Divine Discourse, Sep 3, 1999

Sai Inspires (Short – Tamil) – 16/Mar/2021

For the sake of His devotees such as Sant Kabir, Gorakumbha & Sakkubhai, the Lord took their own form and discharged their duties. It is indeed difficult to understand how, when and where God would come to the rescue of His devotees. Absolute faith is essential for God to manifest!

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Divine Discourse, Sep 3, 1999

Sai Inspires (Short – Tamil) – 9/March/2021

It is not necessary to retire to the forest to get rid of anger and hatred. Virtue cannot be practised in a vacuum. If you live in an atmosphere of anger and are able to control it, then it is a meritorious achievement.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Ch 17, Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1972

Sai Inspires (Short – Tamil) – 5/Mar/2021

Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant; but it is difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial. Smother the fiery fumes of desire, hatred and anger that rise up in your hearts; it is sheer cowardice to yield to these enemies that turn you into beasts.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Divine Discourse, Feb 20, 1965